Hair Problems
Hair Problems
Hair Loss

We loose 50 to 80 strands of hair per day. Do not get alarmed, this is quite normal. Unless there is some deficiency in diet, or ill health, lost hair is quickly replaced by new ones. Each hair grows between one quarter and one half inch each month.
Reasons for hair loss
Hair loss can be triggered off by various reasons, internal diseases, reaction to drugs, dietary deficiencies, scalp diseases, menopause, childbirth, are common causes, which lead to a loss of essential nutrients and minerals from the scalp.
Another cause of hair loss that is usually overlooked is hair damage. Excessive stretching and tugging with hard combs and styling appliances, exposure to extreme heat, regular use of rollers and blow-drying, perming and colouring lead to this problem.
Alopecia aerate is another alarming scalp disease. In this disease hair growth may be normal in most areas few bald patched occurring in many parts of the scalp. It maybe confined to one area or the patches may increase and enlarge, merging onto each other and finally resulting in total baldness. The main cause of this is tension and anxiety.
It is essential to remember that hair must be treated gently. Vigorous scalp massage in out, it would result in further hair loss. A wide toothed comb should be used.
Natural treatment
Success has been achieved through use of plant extracts that promote hair growth and improve the health of the scalp. Henna, reetha, shikakai, amla, bael have been used for controlling hair loss since age-old days. These extracts have no side effects.
Home Recipes
  • Applications of castor oil and iodine alternately for a week is excellent for this problem. Steam the head by wringing out a hot towel and wrapping it around the head. Then shampoo and use a conditioner. A conditioner offers your hair a buffer against external damage – also making it more manageable.
  • Soak about 200 grams of reetha in four glasses of water. Leave overnight. Next morning, boil the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes. Squash the reetha seeds and strain the water. Apply to hair.
  • A paste of lemon seeds and black pepper can be applied on bald patches, twice a week.
  • Massage whipped egg white all over the scalp. Allow it to dry before washing off.
  • Wash hair with a paste of cooked ‘ urad dal’ and fenugreek (methi), three times a week.
Combine together 5 tablespoons of pure undulated coconut milk with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Massage well into the scalp.

Most soaps and shampoos have chemicals, use amla and shikakai instead. Oiling and massaging the scalp is a must once a week. Use aloe Vera oil, or coconut oil or mustard oil twice a week. Check your diet – take sufficient proteins and vitamins. Minerals and iodine are also important. Iodine helps improve circulation of blood in the scalp.
Hair must be protected from treatments that cause damage so a regular hair care routine must be followed. Unfortunately, we sit up only when we are confronted with a problem.
Is shampooing daily harmful for the hair?
Everyday washing shouldn't be a concern as long as you are using a mild shampoo, which can suit your normal hair. Something that nourishes while it cleanses. If your hair doesn't feel unclean, just sweaty it is okay to simply rinse out the sweat too if you choose to.
Also, after wash, keep your damp hair in a turbaned towel for about 15 minutes. Finger comb it in a gentle massage like movements and only brush gently.
The right way of washing Hair
Oiling my hair every time does not help it in any way. On the contrary, you end up using more shampoo every time, damaging the hairs natural oil balance, making it dry. Once a fortnight oiling is just fine.
To wash your hair, always wet it first before applying shampoo. Then, lather it by massaging with your fingertips. Rinse thoroughly until squeaky clean. Pat dry and finger comb out the tangles or use a wide tooth comb.
How to treat split ends?
Split ends, which are mainly caused when your hairs cell fail to hold together are result of exposure to harsh elements, chemicals or even excessive brushing.
The right kind of shampoo will minimize hair damage. Meanwhile it is also important to replenish ceramides, which are hairs natural cement, and is responsible for holding the hair cells together. A ceramides enriched shampoo will help repair hair fibre and reduce split ends.
To maintain Oily Hair
Oily hair always goes with any oily skin. The scalp has a tendency to secrete excess oil, which makes it lank and greasy. It is therefore important to keep the scalp will only activate the oil glands causing further oiliness. So will combing more than required more so ever, do not succumb to the temptations of a harsh shampoo, which temporarily restores your hair but in the long run harms it.
Using a special shampoo for oily hair is the best, which is gentle enough to be used often. Also essential is to rinse at the shampoo thoroughly finishing with cold water.
For thin and limp Hair
Thin, limp, hair does not have a tendency to fall flat and dead. What you need is a volume booster. For starters choose your shampoo carefully. Ordinary shampoos donut do much for your kind of hair. Look up a shampoo especially for limp hair
Secondly, donut comb your hair when wet, Let it dry naturally and finger comb it. A hair dryer can boost your hair for a while but on a regular basis can prove harmful for your hair. Then, brush your brush straight from your scalp and shake it free. 

For Dry Brittle Hair
First check your shampoo! If you are using a harsh, unsuitable shampoo, it will not only dry your hair, it will cause breakage and dry scalp may turn flaky and cause a lot of other problems.
Use an especially mild shampoo made for dry hair. One fortified with essential oils to replace the last nourishment is ideal. A good conditioner also helps soften dry hair. After wash keep your damp hair in a turbaned towel for about 15 minutes. Finger comb it in a gentle massage like movements-this-will activate the oil glands in your scalp. Then brush it gently. Oil massages followed by a steamy, hot towel on your head every 15 days will also help get rid of dryness.

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